A diverse and nutrient-dense diet doesn’t just contribute to a healthier lifestyle - it can also help create a healthier planet. That’s why we are so excited about our NEW Organic Seed Flour Crackers. Not only does the seed flour blend provide protein, fiber, antioxidants and valuable nutrients to help fuel your body, it is also our first USDA Certified Organic cracker.
Read on to learn more about what it means to eat organic and why what we eat matters.
What does “organic” mean?
The term “organic” refers to the way agricultural products are grown, processed, distributed and sold, ensuring certain standards are met all the way from the farm to your kitchen table.
Organic guarantees NO:
Toxic pesticides or fertilizers
GMO ingredients {Genetically Modified Organisms)}
Antibiotics or synthetic growth hormones
Artificial flavors, colors or preservatives
Rather, organic farming encourages biodiversity, supports water conservation, builds healthy soil and supports animal health and welfare.
How is organic better for the environment?
How our food is grown can have a big impact on our environment. Organic agriculture helps to reduce our carbon footprint by prohibiting the use of petroleum-based fertilizers, absorbing carbon dioxide from the air, and promoting a self-sustaining cycle of resources on a farm. USDA Organic Certification also prioritizes soil health, a key regenerative agriculture principle that leaves the land in better shape for future generations.

Is organic better for me?
There is growing evidence about the potential health benefits of organic foods, including increases in nutrients, like flavonoids which have antioxidant properties; higher levels of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids; and lower detectable levels of pesticide residue.
Simple Mills is proud to source 17% of our ingredients (based on weight in FY2020) with USDA Organic Certification and we expect this number to grow as we launch new products. We have so much to learn and contribute, but we're so excited to be planting these seeds of change with our newest cracker.
Want to learn more about Organic and the USDA Labeling process? Check out these great resources below:
US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Organic Trade Association