The New Year is right around the corner and we can’t help but feel inspired by the start of a New Year. Small, but meaningful action steps are sustainable and can inspire you to maintain your own wellness journey throughout the whole year.
Instead of creating broad statements, break your New Year’s resolutions down into small, actionable steps that you can work to achieve on a daily basis. Here are three of the most commonly made New Year’s resolutions and actionable steps on how you can achieve them this year.

Small Steps to Eat Better
Instead of making a New Year’s resolution to eat healthier, make a list of smaller, actionable steps that will all add up to help you create a more wholesome daily diet. For instance:
- I will load my plate with veggies first, and then add any additional foods like meats or nutrient-dense carbs
- I will substitute my 3pm sweet treat for more mindful meals and snacks.
- I will get my daily greens at breakfast
- I will eat 1-3 plant-based meals each week.
These examples are action-oriented, and you know exactly what you need to do to accomplish them. On their own, they may seem simple, but stick to them over time and they will help you reach your main goal of eating healthier.

Small Steps to Exercise More
Unfortunately, many of us sit a lot during the day, so one of your goals may be to get in more exercise or even simply, to find a way to move more. Perhaps you decide to:
- Go for a walk every afternoon during your lunch break.
- Workout one extra day per week (even if that puts your total work out days at ONE, remember, small steps!).
- Go to one new class at a local studio twice a month. You can even bring a friend if you don’t want to go alone!
Tip: It’s best to create actionable steps that are quantifiable so you can assign an exact number to them, so whether it’s two days at the gym or five days, quantify whenever possible.

Small Steps to Focus on Self-Care
Many of us would really like to get more sleep and be more mindful throughout the day, so make actionable steps to help you achieve this New Year’s resolution.
- Create a sleep routine by powering down all devices one hour before bed then curl up with a mug of tea and a good book or write in your journal before you drift off to dreamland.
- Pick one night every week dedicated to you for some self-care. Remember, plans with yourself are plans!
- Do some light stretching or gentle yoga poses before bedtime to help you relax and unwind after the day.
- Pay attention to the present moment by putting away your devices when you are with other people.
- Spend some time understanding how much time you spend on various apps on your phone. If possible, cut back by 10 minutes every day for a week and see if you can make that your new normal for a while.
Instead of creating big New Year’s resolution this year, try a new approach by creating small, supporting, actionable steps that will help you accomplish your larger goals for the Whole Year ahead. Happy New Year everyone!
Tag us @SimpleMills so we can see how you keep your New Year’s resolutions.