If you’re anything like me, your journey to healthy eating was a long, winding, bumpy, sometimes-frustrating road. How great would it have been to grow up learning the skills and practices of how to eat well and do what’s best for your body? It seems as though Purple Asparagus is
way ahead of me on that one.
Purple Asparagus is a non-profit organization that aims to teach children and families about sustainable and healthy food practices. Based in Chicago, they bring hands-on nutritional education to schools and organizations in the community.
Delicious Nutritious Adventures, PA’s main program, seeks kids out at the source. PA representatives and volunteers go directly into the classrooms of 18 different Chicago Public Schools to teach children about food and nutrition in a hands-on environment. Kids are encouraged to taste everything, and if they don’t like something, they are encouraged to think about and explain why they don't like it. I can honestly say, if I was encouraged to explain why I don’t like mushrooms every time I was asked, I might begin to learn a little bit about myself (and maybe change my mind)!
Not only a “guest-speaker” program that you would find in schools, PA also brings their teachings to local farmers markets, Chicago events and expos, along with anywhere else you might request.
Corks & Crayons is PA’s upcoming fundraiser that will include a farmer’s market, silent auction, and delicious food and drinks from local chefs and restaurants. All proceeds will go directly to helping PA expand their Delicious Nutritious Program and community outreach. Oh – and you might find a delicious and nutritious Simple Mills surprise in your goody bag. I’m there!